
Thanks for checking out ‘seeing-breathing-living’. If we have never met before…   I am an Australian, married to a Brit, living in Jamaica. It’s a long story (my husband is writing it).

My name is Liz Campbell. I’ve lived in four countries; two secular, two religious (Muslim and Christian), two developed world, two developing world (Canada, Australia, Indonesia and Jamaica). I have two children, two dogs and sometimes two minds about writing.

My passion is for human beings, particularly working with God to restore hope to broken lives and broken communities. My husband has established a small mission/charity here in Jamaica where we both work (I, part time/voluntary whilst homeschooling our two amazing Jamaican-Australian-British children).

I am a Christian… though to be honest I do not always feel like a very religious one. I love God with all my heart and Jesus is my greatest strength, but I have to admit that over-long church services are often a little like nails down a chalkboard to me, and I struggle with  religious jargon and merchandising. I guess I prefer real to religious.

I read Tom Wright, Sue Gerhardt, New Scientist, Jane Austen and the Bible. I love the old school existential psychotherapists such as Viktor Frankl, Rollo May and Erich Fromm. My love for finely crafted words was given to me by Jane Austen, My love for people by Jesus and my love for science by this phenomenal world God has made.

I  love to write true stories because ‘to speak a true word is to transform the world’.
(Paulo Friere ‘Pedagogy of the Oppressed).

I am currently also writing another blog all about the long walk Jesus took in search of all of us wandering human beings. If you are interested you will find it here.

If you want to stay in touch hit the ‘follow’ button. I don’t clog up email accounts too much as I only get time to write once a month if that!  If you want more information about the work my husband and I are involved in check out the mission page or head to www.fusionjamaica.org

3 Comments Add yours

  1. Jan Harmon says:

    Hi! My husband and I have been working in Trench Town for the last 20 years! I can’t believe our paths haven’t crossed before now! 🙂 We are in the states on furlough right now, but will return in March and would love to meet you!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Cindy Dawson says:

    Hi Liz! I look forward to reading more of your blog!


    1. seeingbreathingliving says:

      Thanks Cindy. Thanks for taking the time to read it. 🙂 Blessings. Liz


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